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Sunday, 1 March 2015

Pregnancy Update // MOTHERCARE EVENT

Last thursday me and Rion got the chance to go to a Mothercare event at our local store. It wasn't quite what we were expecting but it was somewhat useful. The store itself was shut to the general public and opened for the event at 7pm. There were quite a few people already in the store by this point so we signed in, received our goodie bag, and had a look around. The evening involved talks about breastfeeding, bra fitting, prams and car seats, early childcare toys, and what we thought was going to be first aid. This was the main reason for why I wanted to go. I have been searching high and low for a first aid course for babies since I got pregnant as I wanted to be fully prepared and I was convinced I had read on the email that one was going to be held at the event. However, we quickly learnt that the only first aid related aspect at the event would come in the form of a £10 off voucher. Useful if you live in a major city where they hold these courses but I don't. 

My expectations of the event were that there would be seats available for guests, especially the pregnant ones, to be able to sit on and listen to these talks. However, there weren't any seats, the store was boiling hot and water was in short supply. This was rather annoying, particularly when I could see other pregnant women walking around complaining about the heat too. 

One good thing that did come from the event was a chat that we both had with a community midwife. In the 30 minutes we must have been stood there talking to her for she had given us more information then the 2 midwives I have had during this pregnancy. She put a lot of our nerves at ease, and was really to the point. For me, I was after answers for as to why my birthing plan had been taken away from me and replaced. She explained everything to me, and told me that no matter what the midwives said, I was always going to be in complete control and if there was something that I was unhappy with during labour then I needed to say. She said that she would always opt for a holistic approach but because of my current situation she advised that I follow what has been decided for me. She also said that if I am giving birth during the day then she would be on the delivery suite at Gloucester Royal so I am hoping that will be my time!

Overall, we both found the event useful because of the chat we had with her. It was worthwhile but I don't think I will be going again if I have another pregnancy. I would like to be able to pay for my own midwife though as they seem to be more helpful then the NHS ones! 

Did anybody else find this event useful? 

Jessica x

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